The Basement East turned into an indie hot spot when Chasing Tonya, Easy Honey, and The Stews brought their captivating sound of indie rock to Nashville.
Joining The Stews on their 'The Chicken Fight Tour' for a night, Chasing Tonya, gave a performance to remember. The band first opened with ‘Motormouth’ which they announced would be released that night on their new E.P. “Don’t Tell Me” (out now). They had fun energy that matched their lively stage presence and fashionable outfits. Chasing Tonya had the crowd drawn in and dancing right away. Guitarist, Aaron Tudon, even sang in front of an audience for the first time and when he was asked how it was by the lead vocalist, Luke Davis, his response was “it’s sweet.” They ended their set with ‘American Man,’ a single off their new E.P. Leaving the stage the way any opener should, with the crowd in high energy, excited for what the rest of the night will bring.
However, the show was just getting started when Easy Honey came on shortly after and brought their liveliness and passion for live music to the stage. They entranced the audience with their high-spirited performance. They performed their song ‘Gotta Get Back,’ which told the audience about returning to Nashville, as they formed here and love the city. With lots of friends supporting them in the crowd, they amped up their performance and gave everything they had, leaving it all on the stage
Drawing in a crowd of people who ranged from could sing every word to every song to thinking the name of the band was cool and just wanted to see live music, The Stews knew how to attract a crowd like no other. They had the crowd hooked from the beginning when they had a friend come out to introduce them, asking the crowd “Nashville, who’s ready to rumble?” The enthusiasm picked up with each song. The crowd sang back every song to the band followed by “Stews” every time a song would end. Throughout their set, they had the crowd clapping along and shining their flashlights, giving all the emotions and feelings of live music.
Being in a room full of people who wanted to have a good time and enjoy how live music makes you feel, and these bands were able to deliver just that. It was an unforgettable show and one that will go down in history with The Basement East.
- Molly Greco
Photos courtesy of Kylie Hoover (for Bell Music Magazine)